BIDMaP is happy to be jointly hosting this year's seminar series with colleagues in computational physical sciences, including collaborators from the departments of Physics and Astronomy, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Past Seminars

Sanjana S Headshot 1

Jul. 18, 2024 – Sanjana Srinivas: Heterogeneous single-site catalysts for the selective dehydrogenation of alkanes to alkenes

The recent shale gas boom in the US has made catalytic ethane dehydrogenation (EDH) an economically viable route to produce ethylene, a precursor for the synthesis of several commodity chemicals. Supported atomically dispersed metals and sub-nanometer clusters are an emerging class of catalysts that have...
Boyu Qie Image

Jun. 5, 2024 – Boyu Qie: Accelerating the exploration of quantum materials: utilizing the power of chemistry and AI

The intersection of synthetic chemistry, condensed matter physics, electronic devices, and artificial intelligence (AI) holds the potential for paradigm-shifting scientific breakthroughs. Innovations in these interdisciplinary interfaces can lead to the development of novel quantum materials, advanced electronic circuits, and new methodologies for material discovery. In...
omar yaghi

May 3, 2024 - Omar Yaghi: How chemistry will solve the climate problem, fast!

Registration is required for this Friday, May 3 seminar in Banatao Auditorium in Sutardja Dai Hall. This presentation will be about how the precision of manipulating molecules has led to several large classes of porous materials capable of carbon capture and water harvesting from desert...
Aishik Ghosh

Apr. 25, 2024 – Aishik Ghosh: Performing Statistics with Artificial Intelligence in Physics

Statistical inference is a crucial step in gleaning insights from experimental / observational data to build better physics models to describe our universe. Whether it is to unravel the mysteries of what is happening in the interior of neutron stars, or to uncover the secrets...
Image of Matt Rosseinsky

Apr. 18, 2024 – Matt Rosseinsky: Discovery synthesis of inorganic functional materials in the digital age

The need for new materials to tackle societal challenges in energy and sustainability is widely acknowledged. As demands for performance increase while resource constraints narrow available options, the vastness of composition, structure and process parameter space make the apparently simple questions of where to look...
A headshot of Professor Grace Gu

Apr. 11, 2024 – Grace Gu: AI-enabled composite design and manufacturing

Composite materials are known for their customizable properties and superior performance characteristics. However, the design of these materials is inherently complex, as it involves navigating through an extensive array of possible material combinations and configurations. In this talk, I will first present novel computational approaches...
William Collins

Apr. 4, 2024 - William Collins: Studies of Extreme Weather using Machine Learning and Climate Emulators

Studying low-likelihood high-impact climate events in a warming world requires massive ensembles of hindcasts to capture their statistics. It is currently not feasible to generate these ensembles using traditional weather or climate models, especially at sufficiently high spatial resolution. We describe how to bring the...
Headshot of Jeffrey Neaton

Mar. 21, 2024 – Jeffrey Neaton: Carbon Capture in Metal-Organic Frameworks from Neural Network Potentials

Metal-organic frameworks are ultraporous materials that can exhibit selective and cooperative CO2 adsorption chemistry, with potential for future reversible carbon capture applications. While CO2 adsorption enthalpies are relatively well documented, many temperature-dependent and chemical dynamical phenomena related to CO2 and other competing molecular species remain...
Image of Mariel Pettee

Mar. 14, 2024 – Mariel Pettee: What do language models have to say about physics?

The launch of ChatGPT in November 2022 ignited an ongoing worldwide conversation about the possible impacts of Large Language Models (LLMs) on the way we work. There is little doubt that LLMs will significantly influence many people's jobs: one prominent study estimated that about 20%...
View of Earth's atmosphere from space

2024 Berkeley Atmospheric Sciences Center (BASC) Symposium

The annual BASC Symposium will take place on March 7 and 8, 2024. This year, the theme is “Going with the flow: AI/ML in Atmospheric Science.” The speakers and schedule appear below. The “early-ish bird” registration deadline is this Friday, March 1 st , but...
Image of Shih-Chieh Hsu

Mar. 7, 2024 – Shih-Chieh Hsu: Accelerating Artificial Intelligence for Data-Driven Discovery

As scientific data sets become progressively larger algorithms to process this data quickly become more complex. In response Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a solution to efficiently analyze these massive data sets. Emerging processor technologies such as graphics processing units (GPUs) and field-programmable gate...
Aditi Krishnapriyan

Feb. 29, 2024 – Aditi Krishnapriyan

Machine learning methods for improving molecular simulations Molecular simulations aim to model the spatiotemporal behavior of atomistic systems throughout biology, chemistry, and materials science. Given the computational burden of running such simulations for long timescales, machine learning force fields, and particularly neural network interatomic potentials...
Image of Biwei Dai

Feb. 22, 2024 – Biwei Dai: Deep Probabilistic Models for Cosmological Analysis and Beyond

Current and future weak lensing surveys contain significant information about our universe, but their optimal cosmological analysis is challenging, with traditional analyses often resulting in information loss due to reliance on summary statistics like two-point correlation functions. While deep learning methods offer promise in capturing...
Dennis Noll

Feb. 15, 2024 – Dennis Noll: From Particle to Paper: Machine Learning for High-Energy Physics

The analysis of particle collisions at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN helps us to understand the fundamental building blocks of our universe. After years of data taking, the extraction of fundamental insights often requires intricate data analyses. Due to the large volume and complex...
Max Welling

Feb. 8, 2024 – Max Welling: Opportunities for ML in the Natural Science

Some of the most powerful techniques developed in ML are rooted in physics, such as MCMC, Belief Propagation, and Diffusion based Generative AI. We have recently witnessed that the flow of information has also reversed, with new tools developed in the ML community impacting physics...