About this Seminar

The annual BASC Symposium will take place on March 7 and 8, 2024.  This year, the theme is
“Going with the flow: AI/ML in Atmospheric Science.” The speakers and schedule appear
The “early-ish bird” registration deadline is this Friday, March 1 st , but the registration link will
be live up to the start of next Friday’s event in downtown Berkeley. We welcome you, as
possible attendees from further away, to even register on site (but a heads-up to me would be
useful for catering purposes).
As always, we welcome participants from around the San Francisco Bay Area writ large,
including (but not limited to) UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, Stanford, San Jose State,
San Francisco State, NASA Ames, LBNL, LLNL, the Bay Area Air Quality Management
District, the US Environmental Protection Agency, and the California Air Resources Board.
Feel free to forward this invitation to colleagues who you think may be interested but who may
not be on our mailing list.
SPEAKERS: see http://tinyurl.com/3nusek9d for full abstracts
Thursday, March 7 at 3:45 pm in 141 McCone Hall on the UC Berkeley campus (no
registration required):
Pierre Gentine (Columbia University): Machine learning in climate science, from emulation to

Friday, March 8 from 9 am to 5 pm  at the David Brower Center on Allston Way in downtown
Berkeley (pre-registration required, breakfast and check-in start at 8 am):
Maria Molina (University of Maryland): Machine Learning for Earth System Prediction and
Duncan Watson-Parris (UC San Diego): Accelerating climate science with machine learning:
Earth system emulation
Ali Ahmadalipour (Google X): From hydroclimate academic research to large-scale geospatial
ML at Google[X]
Karthik Kashinath (Nvidia): NVIDIA Earth-2: Towards kilometer-scale digital twins for weather
and climate prediction

Registration fee for Friday:
The registration fee for the full-day symposium on Friday, which includes breakfast, lunch,
snacks and beverages, is $100 (or $10 for undergraduate students).  Here is the registration link:
2024 BASC Symposium Registration Link   [Deadline to register: March 1 at 5 pm; some spaces
may be available after this deadline but the fee increases to $130, imposed by the caterer.]

Poster sessions:
Participants may present a poster on any topic of general interest to atmospheric and climate
science researchers. Poster presenters include students, postdocs, and researchers from UC
Berkeley and other Bay Area institutions, such as LBNL, LLNL, SJSU, Stanford U, UC Davis,
UC Santa Cruz, and NASA Ames Research Center.
For poster presenters:
* Although the deadline to register for the symposium is this Friday, March 1 at 5 pm, note that
you may still edit your poster title on the google registration form up to Tuesday, March 5, at 5
* Posters should be in vertical (i.e., portrait) format and no larger than 48" high by 36" wide.

Seminar Details
Seminar Date
Thursday, March 7, 2024 - 3:45 PM - Friday, March 8, 2024 - 5:00 PM
Happening As Scheduled